Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome Beginners

Welcome to The Beginners Guide to an Online Income! This blog is for individuals that are sitting in the same shoes, or flip flops most likely in my case, that I was a year and a half ago when I lost my job, and decided to try my luck making money on the internet. Little did I know that there was going to be so many different ways to do it. Now believe me  when I say  there are thousands of ways to earn income online. I only understand a small percentage of the opportunities that this wide open market provides.  I keep learning new ways each and every day and that is why I am writing this blog, as sort of a way to document my successes and hopefully to help other people just like me make money online also. I believe that the more people I can help, the more people will help me. I firmly believe that to many people are just out for themselves today and to few are working together. I want to change that in my life and in as many lives as I can touch. I hope I meet a lot of new people on my new adventure and success to us all.

Step 1:  Make sure you have an email account dedicated to making money online. I would recommend this be different than your personal account. I actually have twenty or so different email accounts at this time but just starting out just have one dedicated to online money making.

I recommend Gmail or Yahoo
Step 2: Sign up for a pre- paid  credit / debit card. I use Net Spend. I have used them for a couple of years and they have been good for me. They have an outstanding referral program. Having a pre paid dbit card allows you to get signed up for a pay pal account as well as alert pay. I like to have my online income separate from my personal and other business accounts as well. Here is the link:

Step 3: Create a spread sheet to keep track of all of your earnings. I am in the process of finalizing my design for what I consider the ideal income tracker for online money making. I will be posting a link to it when everything is finalized on it. 

Step 4: Commit to Your Success: It's not as easy as everyone makes it sound and I still haven't found the get rich quick thing. But if you stay committed to your success and keep trying there is a way to be successful.

Step 5: Find some good tunes to listen to while you are making your money. Music keeps me motivated, I don't know about you. If not get Net Flix or Video BB and watch TV on a Second Monitor.

Long Enough Post to Get you Started! Good Luck!


  1. Do you like talking?

    Or to talk English?

    Would you like to speak and get paid for talking?

  2. Just received a check for $500.

    Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can get filling out paid surveys online...

    So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.
